Week 5

///1. Returning multiple values

Activity 1. (creating a function named myOrder, which takes three floats and returns them ordered from the smallest to the largest.)

def myOrder(x,y,z):  #Defines a function with three floats

#To approach this, I made an if statement for every possible outcome in order

    if (x>y) and (y>z):

        return x,y,z

    elif (y>x) and (x>z):

        return y,x,z

    elif (z>y) and (y>x):

        return z,y,x

    elif (y>z) and (z>x):

        return y,z,x

    elif (z>x) and (x>y):

        return z,x,y

    elif (x>z) and (z>y):

        return x,z,y

x,y,z = myOrder(2,30,29)

print(x,y,z)  #prints the numbers in order

#This is very lengthy, I am sure there is a much more efficient way to do this

/// 3. Maya Commands

maya.cmds #imports maya commands

Box01=ma.polyCube(name="Box01") #Creates a 1x1 cube at 0,0,0

Box02=ma.polyCube(name="Box02", height=2, width=2, depth=2) #Creates a 2x2x2 cube at 0,0,0

Circle01=ma.circle(name="Circle01", radius=5) #Creates a circle with radius 5 at 0,0,0. Used to manually handle the radius of a circle.

ma.setAttr("Circle01.rx", 90)  #To set the circle's x axis rotation to 90

ma.move( 2, 0, 0, Box02)  #Moves Box02 to 2,0,0

ma.rotate(45,0,0,Box02) #To rotate Box02 by 45 degrees in the x axis

ma.scale(1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, Box02) #To scale Box02 by 1.5 in the x and y axis

ma.makeIdentity(Box02, apply=True) #To freeze transformations Box02

ma.select(Box01) #To select Box01

ma.delete(Box01) #To delete Box01

ma.parent(Box02, Circle01) #Parents Box02 to Circle01

///5. Random Numbers

 a) Write a script on your Python executor using a for-loop to generate and print out 100 random integers between 10 and 590:

b)  Create while-loop to generate and print out these random integers

import random

#for loop that creates 100 numbers

for x in range (99): 

 x = random.randint(10,590)  

 print(x) #prints these random 100 numbers

#I don't understand why we would need a while loop to print these 100 numbers, i think it's correct without it

///6. User Input

x=0 # first declares an integer variable and sets its value to 0

print('Enter your number:') #asks the user for a number

x = input() #inputs a number

print('Hello, this was your number ' + x) #shows the user the number that they assigned to the variable

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