Week 8
///1.Cube Class
Create a Python class called Cube that can be used as a template to be able to create, move, rotate, freeze, modify and select Cube objects in Maya
import maya.cmds as cmds
class Cube(): #creates a class named Cube
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name #initializes the name of the Cube
def moveCube(self,x,y,z):
cmds.move(x,y,z) #sets the position of the Cube
def createCube(self):
cmds.polyCube(n = self.name) #creates the Cube
def rotateCube(self, x,y,z):
cmds.polyCube(n = self.name)
cmds.rotate(x,y,z) #rotates the Cube
def freezeCube(self):
cmds.polyCube(n= self.name)
cmds.makeIdentity( apply=True, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0 ) #freezes the translations of the Cube
These are examples I used for the function
cube1 = Cube("Hello")
cube2 = Cube("Bye")
cube1.rotateCube(0, 45, 0)
cube2.rotateCube(0, -45, 0)
///Creating a pyramid
#Function that creates a pyramid
def pyramid():
sc=4 #we set a variable to 4, meaning that's how many cubes we will have
for x in range(1,5): #for each array, the scale will be reduced
cmds.polyCube(w=1,h=1,d=1) creates a cube with width=1, height=1 and depth=1
cmds.move(x,moveY=True) #moves the cube
cmds.scale(sc,sc,scaleXZ=True) #scales the cube
pyramid() #calls the pyramid
#Another way to create the same pyramid but without a for loop
import maya.cmds
def pyramid(): #Creates a function named pyramid
#For each cube, the function will follow the same pattern as the function used above
cmds.polyCube(w=1,h=1,d=1) #this creates a cube
cmds.move(1,moveY=True) #moves the cube
cmds.scale(4,4,scaleXZ=True) #scales the cube
pyramid() #calls the function and creates a pyramid
///4.Creating UI's
# Makes a new window that will ask from the user to input a number to create a pyramid
window = cmds.window( title="Long Name", iconName='Short Name', widthHeight=(200, 55) ) #creates a window with x=200 and y=55
cmds.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True )
Inputnumber = cmds.intSliderGrp( label="Input a number:", field=True, min=3, max=50, value=1) #asks from the user to Input a number #between 50 and 3
cmds.button( label='pyramid', command="pyramid01(Inputnumber)") #creates a button labeled as 'pyramid'
cmds.button( label='Close', command=('cmds.deleteUI(\"' + window + '\", window=True)') ) #creates a button labeled as 'Close'
cmds.setParent( '..' )
cmds.showWindow( window ) #shows the window we just created
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